The Biome Protocol – with Dr Agnes Warchalowski

There’s no doubt that health is the most important aspect of life and all too often we put it on hold, waiting for the perfect time to start that health plan. Given the current state, there’s really no better time than right now.

When it comes to health, there are both physiological and external factors that you need to overcome – and these are stronger than you think. Your body and brain have patterns that they’ve become accustomed to, and when these patterns are disrupted – the body fights back. Add to that the excessive stream of food images and the underlying belief by those around you that there must be something wrong with you if you don’t have that piece of cake – and you’re destined to fail before you even begin!

You need more than enthusiasm to help you reach your goals – you need to re-set your physiology in order for your body and brain to overcome these patterns and resist external influences.

This is where the Biome Protocol can help! The Biome Protocol focuses on restoring the gut microbiota as the foundation for improving brain health and managing or reversing the drivers and consequences of chronic inflammation in the body. Inflammation is the hallmark of weight gain, obesity, accelerated ageing, toxicity, mitochondrial dysfunction, hormonal abnormalities, and inflammation in the brain (this is ultimately what stops you from being able to resist cravings) to name just a few. 

It is now known that the gut microbiota plays a crucial role in regulating immune function as well as metabolic function, hormonal balance and brain function. Eighty per cent of all immune cells in the body are found in the gastrointestinal tract, and the gut microbiota produces metabolites that communicate directly with these cells. This communication helps to reduce inflammation, improve immune function and protect against infections. A healthy and diverse microbial community is therefore essential for good health and essential for forming new healthy habits. 

The composition of the gut microbiota can be disrupted by processed foods, certain medications, stress, age, hormonal abnormalities and acute or chronic illness. Disruption to the gut microbiota can cause symptoms such as: Fatigue, Weight gain or resistance to weight loss, Fluid retention, Cravings, Food intolerances, Brain fog, Allergies, Joint pain, Rashes and other common symptoms for which the cause may be unknown. Many of our patients find that weight gain and resistance to weight loss are the most frustrating of all – because regardless of how little they eat or how much they exercise, their weight continues to rise. 

This is because your body cannot effectively release stored fat – or keep it off – unless it is healthy. The longer these symptoms continue, the harder it may be to reverse them without some extra help. And this is where the Biome Protocol is different from ‘going on a diet’.. 

The Biome Protocol uses specific dietary recommendations alongside pure compounded nutrient formulations in order to restore gut health and physiological balance. While the protocol focuses on gut health for weight loss, it can be modified for those who are at an ideal weight or those with insulin resistance, autoimmune conditions, food intolerances, allergies, thyroid disorders, mood disorders and many other conditions. Therefore, the Biome Protocol can also be used by those who don’t necessarily need to lose weight but feel that their body is in need of a total health re-set.

It's time for self-care and a total health re-set! View more from Dr Agnes on the Biomedical Protocol Video!

Many over-the-counter supplements have a questionable quality, and you can never be sure of what you’re buying. The Biome Protocol comes with three highest-quality compounded nutrient formulations that are completely free from excipients.  

Health and weight management are a lifelong commitment, but they come with so many rewards, and the process shouldn’t be one of deprivation. If you’ve had your fair share of failed fad diets and are ready to finally let go of bad habits for good, then the Biome Protocol is designed to make the process easy.  The Biome Protocol aims to produce lasting results, ultimately helping you to feel and function at your best. By restoring these physiological functions, it won’t feel like a diet but rather a way of life – and living well is really what it’s all about.

The cost is only $829 – which includes your own Biome protocol information pack, custom-designed nutritional program, compounded nutrient formulations, and personalized food guide and recipes. 

If you would like to know more or order the program, please download and complete the Health Questionnaire Form here and return it by email to  Your answers to the questionnaire will be assessed, and Dr Ansulette will contact you to complete the order. 

Dr Ansulette Kay is an approved provider/prescriber of the Biome Protocol and fully trained in the program.  

Research shows that the most effective method of restoring the gut microbiota is with a healthy diet and the use of targeted nutrients such as prebiotics, probiotics, polyphenols, amino acids and a range of vitamins and minerals. These have been found to not only improve the composition of the gut microbiota but also improve immune function and reduce the severity and duration of infections. 

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